In today's complex and changing world, obtaining the best possible legal support can be a constant challenge for in in-house lawyers, directors and company secretaries, and making the right decision on whether to 'make or buy-in' legal services, is of crucial importance in securing the right legal services for your organisation. "Managing External Legal Resources" will help you to better understand your organisation's commercial objectives and to appreciate what legal competencies are required to achieve them. Helping you decide on the best way forward, this guide shows you how to establish cohesive legal services using the most effective combination of internal and external lawyers. Its coverage includes: step-by step guidance on each stage of the process - from allocation of work, through sourcing, procurement, and panel reviews, to the management of the relationship. It features: best practice recommendations, documentation, and case studies; techniques and exercises to help you think though the issues involved; and, forms and precedents to help you decide what to outsource and what to keep in-house.