Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs
Tentative contents include:How the Rust Belt Got Shiny: A Study of Cities and Counties that Lost Steel and Auto Jobs in the 1980s Bruce Sacerdote (Dartmouth College)
Homeowners and the Housing Enterprises: Banks and Market Efficiency Robert Van Order (University of Michigan)
Home Mortgages and the Mortgage System: What Role for Government Sponsored Enterprises? Dwight Jaffee and John M. Quigley (University of California-Berkeley)
FHA, the GSEs, and the Underserved Urban Households Raphael Bostic, Stuart Gabriel, and Yongheng Deng (USC)
Differentiated Road Pricing, Express Lanes, and Carpools: Exploiting Heterogeneous Preferences in Policy Design Ingrid Gould Ellen (New York University)