GCSE Core Geography for WJEC A covers the three core human and three core physical units of this new specification, which offers students a stimulating and motivating course for the twenty-first century. The core content comprises a range of traditional and contemporary themes, inspiring and motivating students to want to learn more. It develops the thinking and enquiring minds needed in our rapidly changing world and prepares students for a more sustainable future.Key questions are examined throughout, such as:- What are the causes and evidence for climate change?- What are the alternate futures?- Where will people live in the future?- How are global patterns of development identified?Each enquiry is explored through the following features:- 'Geographical futures' to encourage students to apply their understanding of current trends and to identify alternate future scenarios and evaluate their sustainability- examination-style questions and exam tips written by a WJEC examiner, with advice on the cross-unit task- a range of activities to enable students to develop their geographical skills of enquiry, analysis and interpretation of evidence, decision-making and communication- exploration of real places at different scales and at different levels of development- activities that support the use of ICT and GIS in the classroom.