Food Safety Short Stories: A Collection of Real-Life Experiences is a novel and unique collection of situations experienced or witnessed by food professionals in the form of short stories. These stories, which focus on an important event, mishap, management practice, or ethical question, present important lessons. Their objective is to educate, inspire, motivate, challenge, and encourage food professionals to better understand food safety management and to help increase job effectiveness and productivity with ethics and integrity. Each story addresses its subject in terms of relevance and application to food safety and covers all types of risks (e.g., microbial, chemical, physical) associated with each step of the food chain. In an entertaining format, the book provides an analysis of incidents or near misses. It highlights pitfalls in food safety management and provides key insight into the means of avoiding them.
This book is an essential reference for students and food professionals of all sectors, including scientists, managers, trainers, food inspectors, and those working in the food industry, public health, food control agencies, and certification bodies.