For many, peace is an elusive dream; true advances toward this communal goal have been few. But this book bursts through the barrier of apathy to show individual readers how they can actually help achieve world peace -- in just five years. By adopting "action through access", a trail-blazing approach to activism, the authors build on technological advances in both communication and collabora-tion to present a well-defined plan to end global conflict. By applying busi-ness disciplines, such as professional management and result measurement, to the peace-making process, Nathan Otto and Amber Lupton have ignited a revolution for global peace that will attract a broad range of peace seekers ready for immedi-ate action and real results. Otto and Lupton don't just offer theories and concepts. Through con-nections with world leaders, major corporations, leading peace activists, and international media, the authors have developed a broad market-ing platform for their peace program. And for readers who are ready to take responsibility for achieving peace, this is a beacon of hope in tumultuous times.