During any period of change, the winners are those that are able to adapt in a changing environment and it is becoming clear that the firms that are doing well, have a small number of characteristics in common. They have: * a clear strategic focus that differentiates them from their competitors; * effective leadership; * a clear grasp and understanding of the numbers. They are also responsive to change. Profitability and Law Firm Management book is intended to help those who aspire to lead a law firm to develop the skills they will need to run a successful business. One that will be better able to adapt and succeed. For most firms simply having good lawyers is no longer sufficient. Having well motivated people with business acumen, able to lead and build teams is more important. Effective business skills, an ability to spot and take advantage of opportunities and an ability to plan, manage and lead a team of people are key skills to nurture and develop. Successful firms identify people with these skills at an early stage and provide training and support to develop them. This book tries not simply to indicate what to do, but to provide some ideas on how to do it.It is not intended to be the definitive or only way of doing things, but is designed to help partners and others involved in law firm management think about their firms differently and identify ways of making them more successful.
Its purpose is to help you move forward.