From Training to Performance in the 21st Century is a seriessponsored by the National Society for Performance and Instruction(NSPI) which provides valuable how-to resources to help trainers,human resource professionals, and human performance technologistsimprove performance in the workplace. This book is part of thefirst three-volume set, Designing the Work Environment for OptimumPerformance,
which shows how to fix the workplace, not the worker.
The set provides hands-on tools to help create work environmentsthat support human performance.
Draws on numerous scientific studies and the author's professionalexperience in assessing real-life ergonomic problems in diverseworkplaces nationwide to provide a systematic approach includingreproducible checklists and worksheets--for performing ergonomicassessments to identify and correct health hazards at work.
He presents a variety of practical, cost-effective solutions fromadjusting chairs, lowering computer keyboards, taking frequentmicrobreaks, and finding new ways of performing repetitivetasks--for preventing work-related health problems.