Testimonies of a diverse group of young Latina and Latino Catholics about their personal stories of how they integrate their faith into their lives, in order to invite other young adult Hispanic Catholics to do the same and aid those in pastoral ministry in their work with this group.
Jesus lives in our personal stories. This is the clear message from the young adult Hispanic Catholic authors in this exciting volume. They candidly share their joys and hopes, griefs and anxieties as they navigate life in the U.S. as Hispanics and as Christian disciples. Numerous young Latinas and Latinos are and want to remain Catholic. Many, however, feel abandoned by the institution and the faith communities that at one point introduced them—and their families—to the living Christ and his Gospel message. If you share in some way that sentiment, the stories in this volume are a reminder that you are not alone. Welcome to a communion of young women and men who find grace in sharing and listening to their particular stories of faith. Pastoral leaders reading this book are invited to listen attentively to young adult Latina and Latino Catholics as they forge fresh ways of being Christian in the United States.
"It is so heartening to hear the voices of young Latino Catholics and their stories. Hosffman Ospino and Tim Matovino have assembled an inspiring collection of witnesses who lend hope for the future of our faith—it will be in good hands! All of us can hear the great Story anew through each of these fresh stories."
—Thomas Groome, professor of theology and religious education, Boston College
Hosffman Ospino is a professor of theology at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, where he chairs the Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry.
Timothy Matovina is a professor and chairperson of the Theology Department at the University of Notre Dame.