Creative Mission - Over 50 ideas for special days, celebrations, festivals, community-based projects and seasonal activities
Creative Mission sets out to demonstrate that mission is fun, practical, easy-to-do and, above all, possible. The book contains a wealth of ideas to help churches, large and small, urban and rural, to connect with people who have occasional contact with the church, as well as suggestions for the church family to join in community events. Many of the ideas are for families, children and adults, to enjoy together or alongside one another. Some ideas can be used within worship; others are for social events, fundraising activities, campaigns for justice across the world or RE and assemblies in schools. All will appeal to children as well as adults, but many can also be used if there are few or no children in the church family. The ideas are arranged in four sections to fit with the seasons of the year. Some follow the church calendar; others link with secular high points in the year such as Valentine's Day, Red Nose Day, Father's Day and 'Back to School'. The suggestions are offered for both traditional churches and Fresh Expressions of church to select those that will work best for them and the community they serve.