Past research has identified a wide variety of emotions and emotional engagements among school leaders and teachers including passion, excitement and satisfaction. However, the literature often centers on negative emotions of school leaders, such as fear of failure, anxiety and disillusionment with the system.Thus far, most research on this issue has focused almost entirely on western educational systems. This book departs from that and highlights the connection between culture and emotion management in these settings, and allows researchers from different parts of the world to demonstrate how national and local culture influence the way educational leaders and teachers express their feelings, display their emotion, or suppress emotion in public.
Emotion Management in Teaching and Education Leadership allows teachers and educational leaders from both traditional and marginalized societies to tell their own stories of feelings, emotion management, and emotion regulation at work. By expanding our knowledge beyond the cultural boundaries of Anglo-American nations and evoking new considerations in the research on emotion in organizations, this book will prove invaluable for researchers and school leaders.