Enthuse and involve all pupils in the relevance and scope of Geography.Geotext is an unparalleled new course for Key Stage 3. It covers curriculum requirements at KS3 whilst making geography more appealing to pupils.
- Provides rich and relevant Geography content for pupils to focus on, interrogate and enjoy.
- Develops thinking skills through carefully chosen and positioned questions and support activities in the Pupils Books.
- Encourages pupils to revisit content through stimulating enquiry activities on Teacher CD-ROMs that reinforce learning.
- Enriches whole-class teaching with animations, lively PowerPoint presentations and a bank of additional photographs, maps and images on the Teachers CD-ROMs
- Effectively supports assessment for learning through worksheets and guidance on the Teachers CD-ROMs.
- Saves time and makes planning simpler with easily accessible and editable teaching support.
- Extends high attainers and supports lower-attainers with valuable differentiation and support on the Teachers CD-ROM.
- Incorporates clear guidance on developing flexible routes through making this series ideal for the whole Department from non-specialists to experienced Heads of Geography.
- Naturally incorporates excellent sources of learning across the curriculum including geography-specific literacy, ICT, Numeracy and citizenship.
- Allows for a depth study for every major theme through easily adaptable activities on the Activities CD-ROM.