This original eighteenth-century story is based on actual historical events, places, and occurrences. The community of Lentune is also real, based largely upon Buckler's Hard in the New Forest, as the backdrop to this story. For there, the Hard and Shipwright's cottages still exist today in wonderful condition, however the great ships, and more importantly, the people who built them are long gone. Although a sense of the haunting realism of their way of life remains in the fine archives and exhibits, the spirit of the Hard is long gone. Therefore this story attempts to fill that void, and replace its heart, the people.
The central themes are love and redemption and provide an examination of the human story through the main character, shipwright Joshua Bubb. Three different strands of love are yielded, one that will not leave, one that is taken away, and yet another that await patiently, all weighed against the clash of struggling Empires. The linear structure of events is tempered with the force of three powerful women, and family.
It is important to state that although based upon an earlier short-story, by the author 'Rain in Her Shoes', the evolution of the characters and plot are wholly original, and driven by the players. Authenticity springs from actual historical events and historic conflict. Although the work and influences of these folk are slipping into obscurity, this story reveals their lives in a real way.
There remains a sense of responsibility to tell their story, and indeed is an irresistible one, so they are not forgotten. I believe we owe them a debt of gratitude for their toil and skill, and in many ways, their struggles reflect some of the conflicts re-emerging today.