The main purpose of this book is to offer an overview of the current research work that combines laser and magnetism. The first part will focus mainly on experiments designed to observe and measure how short laser pulses that can affect dynamical processes in magnetic systems. Chapter 1 and 2 are dedicated to recent advances in laser-induced ultrafast demagnetization techniques using pump-probe spectroscopy. Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 investigate the behaviour of magnetic nanoparticles and nanostructures using pulsed-laser methods, dual scanning laser speckle interferometry and laser-based ultrahigh resolution photoemission electron microscopy (laser-PEEM). Potential applications of these techniques in the development of future nanotechnologies are various and include heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) technology and growing nanocrystalline magnetic nanofibers. Chapter 8 and 9 are focused on laser-induced techniques for the generation of synthetic magnetic fields.
The second part will focus on the applications of the laser-induced methods in astrophysical, biomedical, paleomagnetic and fusion energy studies. Chapter 10 and 11 show how astrophysical phenomena such as solar flares can now be studied in laboratory by using laser-induced magnetic fields. Chapters 12 to 15 reviews the current use of nanoparticles, laser breakdown spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging in medical applications. This includes non-invasive treatment strategies based on magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic resonance-guided laser-induced thermotherapy (MRgLITT). It concludes with an overview of ELIMED (ELI-Beamlines MEDical applications) and description of the detectors dedicated to diagnostics and dosimetry as well as some preliminary results obtained both with an accelerator-driven and laser-driven beam.The last two chapters review the recent developments in laser-driven inertial fusion and the use laser interferometry for paleomagnetic measurements.