Classical mechanics (a.k.a. Newtonian Mechanics) was one of the first pillars of modern physics providing the first unification of the laws of motion and universal gravitation. Although classical mechanics has been surpassed by the relativity theory and quantum mechanics, it still provides an accurate description of macroscopic objects motion as long as their velocities are far below the speed of light.
This book is a collection of research, which the main purpose is to offer a broad glimpse of the advances of Classical & Fluid Mechanics in several areas (e.g. oscillatory motion, celestial & orbital mechanics, fluid dynamics). The first part (chapters 1 - 5) overviews modern mathematical tools and techniques used to solve and construct differential equations associated with the equation of motion and modeling of oscillatory systems (e.g. Furuta’s pendulum, harmonic oscillator). The second part (chapters 6- 12) focuses on the dynamics of multi-body systems (N-body problem), planetary and orbital mechanics, including some applications to study of moons orbits, satellite motion, and Earth’s rotation problem. The third includes two examples Newtonian approach to the study of stellar structure (chapters 13 - 14). The remaining chapters are dedicated to advanced topics of fluid mechanics. This includes the description of compressible and incompressible fluid dynamics (chapters: 15 - 16) as well as the modeling of Newtonian (chapters 17-18) and non-Newtonian fluids (Chapters 19-20).