1890. A monthly journal devoted to oriental philosophy, art, literature and occultism conducted by Olcott under the auspices of the Theosophical Society. Olcott, founder and president of the Theosophical Society, assumed responsibility for the The Theosophist after Blavatsky's return to Europe and then death in 1891. Some of the articles contained in this volume include: The Accursed Sciences; Aphorisms from Sanskrit; Mrs. Besant's Pamphlet; A Buddhist Catechism; The Symbolism of Caste Marks; Critics of Christianity; The Divining Rod; Elohistic Teachings; The Hand Lines of Fate; The Founders' Group; Hegel's Views of Zoroastrianism; How to Study Hinduism; Leprosy in Ancient India; The Temperance Movement in Japan; Kosmic Mind; Objects of the Theosophical Society; Palmistry: its Oriental Phase; Psychology and Neo-Materialism; Sorcery in Science; Tearing off the Sheep's Clothing; The Snake-Charmers Lay; Universal Applications of Doctrine; Was Swedenborg a Theosophist?; and many more. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.