This book is a comprehensive combination of all the issues that need to be seriously considered to achieve true sustainability. There are many things that have never been taken into consideration when talking about sustainability and ecocities. Even a small improvement has been called "an ecocity" or even "a sustainable building". This has fouled the term and badly misled the large public unfamiliar with the true concept of a sustainable city. Building so called ecocities and sustainable buildings has just been an advertisement trick for the industry and the market economy.
An excuse to keep on going as usual without taking any true responsibility of our Planet Earth and all its residents. All the current "ecocity" projects are very far from true sustainability, practically taking into account only some minor parts of the whole context of sustainability. I have conducted a large personal research into the ecology, sustainable development and human societies. Many technologies which would make our lives much more sustainable exist already. Many of them are hindered hard by the market leaders to promote their own old technologies on the cost of the Planet and human beings. Just to make profit... Now it is finally time to make profit with clean technology and responsible action. I have seen a whole vision of the new green sustainable Planet Earth. I will do my best to present it to you in this book. It is time that we took the full responsibility of our actions and put things right on our precious Planet Earth. For the greater benefit of all!