The best NCLEX-prep on the market – this new edition has been completely revised and updated and includes free online access to Davis Edge NCLEX-RN®, the online Q&A program that creates quizzes based on your personal strengths and weaknesses and tracks your progress every step of the way. No other single NCLEX product offers this much value.
The textbook:
Provides an overview of the latest NCLEX-RN® test plan.
2,500 questions, including select-all-that-apply (SATA), audio and video, and new clinical judgement questions.
Comprehensive rationales for correct and incorrect responses that explain why you answered a question correctly or incorrectly.
Test-taking tips for key questions, with strategies for selecting the correct response when you are unsure of the answer.
Practice questions that guide you through all the content covered on the NCLEX.
Two comprehensive exams to test your mastery of all subject areas covered on the NCLEX exam.
Includes new colour coding and thumb tabs for easy navigation from questions to answers.
Davis Edge NCLEX-RN® includes:
Interactive, question-based format with 10,000 questions.
Rationales for correct and incorrect responses.
“Comprehensive Exam Builder” that simulates the NCLEX.
“Assignment Builder” to create quizzes by client-needs category.
Immediate feedback to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
“Quiz Builder” that lets you select questions by NCLEX client needs categories, concepts or curriculum area.
“Student Success Center” that monitors your overall progress and identifies strengths and weaknesses.