"When we consider how much the philosophers of this world have labored, we should be ashamed to be inferior to them"; "We should seek always to comprehend by reason what we hold by faith." Richard of St. Victor. His works fall into the three classes of dogmatic, mystical, and exegetical. In the first, the most important is the treatise in six books on the Trinity, with the supplement on the attributes of the Three Persons, and the treatise on the Incarnate Word. But greater interest now belongs to his mystical theology, which is mainly contained in the two books on mystical contemplation, entitled respectively "Benjamin Minor" and "Benjamin Major", and the allegorical treatise on the Tabernacle. He carries on the mystical doctrine of Hugh, in a somewhat more detailed scheme, in which the successive stages of contemplation are described. Assemble here are , for the first time in English, his most important and essential works together in a single volume.