Kaitlin O'Riley returns with the fourth installment of her five book series focusing on five beautiful sisters born of a French mother and English father. Through their close bond of friendship and support, together they overcome hardships while each makes their own individual quest for love.
Kaitlin O'Riley's newest historical romance is the latest installment of her Hamilton Sisters series, which began with WHEN HIS KISS IS WICKED.
Historical romance readers love family series. Some recent successes include: Sabrina Jeffries's SCHOOL FOR HEIRESSES series (NEVER SEDUCE A SCOUNDREL; ONLY A DUKE WILL DO; BEWARE A SCOT'S REVENGE -- Pocket), as well as Kathryn Caskie's Sinclair Family SEVEN DEADLY SINS series (TO SIN WITH A STRANGER; THE MOST WICKED OF SINS -- Avon).