Four years have passed since Jimmy was taken into the future by the renegade Time Guardian, Spiron. Jimmy is now eighteen years old and is preparing to go to Art College in London when he gets a call from Henry to go and see him at the shop. Jimmy thinks that Henry has bought him something special to take with him to college but nothing could be further from the truth.
Jimmy finds Auron, the Head of the Time Council, sitting in Henry's workshop drinking Earl Grey tea. He's come to tell Jimmy some stunning news, but more importantly to ask for his assistance. A Time Guardian, Jonas, has gone missing in London in the year 2154 and Auron asks Jimmy to go into the future to help find out what's happened to him.
Why did Auron ask Jimmy? Because Jonas was mentoring Jasmine, the girl Jimmy met in 2150.
Jimmy First and the Time Conflict is about what happens to Jimmy when he once again travels into the future ...