This "new thing" is not a how-to-do-it manual, but rather a practical resource that enables seekers to discern more deeply what they are experiencing, develop a vocabulary to articulate their inner process, thus making it easier for them to tell their emerging story in mutual conversation or in support group exploration. Topics explored from a new direction include the meaning of adult faith, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and faith in the future. The book does not offer hand-me-down answers, which is precisely what many adults are seeking to outgrow. It leaves the adult seeker with renewed responsibility to come up not merely with a sense of individual resolution to life's big questions, but with a discerning wisdom that can be checked, challenged and validated in the dialogical forums of spiritual accompaniment or empowering group process. This is quite new territory for adult faith development and the ideas outlined in this book will support and encourage adults in their ongoing exploration.