Liberty's Lifeline: Engaging the Grassroots Movement to Stop the Erosion of American Freedoms
In a country of over 300 million people, how can you make your voice heard? Most US citizens consider themselves powerless when it comes to making a difference in political issues, but in this book, Bill O'Connell describes how you can stop sitting on the sidelines and step into the arena.
From the housing crisis to health care, from taxes to terrorism, O'Connell offers his plan for restoring America back to the country our founding fathers fought so hard to create. O'Connell challenges readers with tough questions, building his case with facts and escaping the trap of name-calling. He also offers concrete steps that you can take to effect real change in Washington. Now is the time for Americans to work together to take back a government that is quickly becoming "of, by, and for the bureaucrats."