This book provides a practical perspective of all the processes involved in estimating mineral resources and reserves, including mine-to-mill reconciliation. It provides an integrated step-by-step explanation of processes for performing each step, including insight from academic and industry practitioners. Each chapter details a specific aspect of the estimation processes in a practical manner. It contains examples and case studies to illustrate the practical application of geostatistics in mineral resource estimation, mineral reserve conversion, and reconciliation.
Provides a step-by-step guide with over 10,000 lines of Python code for hands-on demonstration, from start to finish, for both linear and non-linear geostatistical methods.
Explains practical geostatistics processes and functionality.
Simplifies explanation of mathematical /statistical concepts and application.
Discusses generalised examples to aid the process steps.
Reviews processes involved in the mineral resources’ estimation and ore reserve conversion.
This book is intended for third-year and postgraduate students in Mineral Resources Management, Geology, Spatial Statistics, and Mining Engineering, as well as practising professionals.