Developing an effective U.S. national security strategy for Latin America hinges upon how well Colombia fares in its fight against the major sources of violence: guerrillas, paramilitaries, and narcotraffickers. Currently, Washington supports a counterdrug policy, while Bogota argues for a counterinsurgency strategy. Considering the Free Trade Area of the Americas initiative, proposed for implementation in 2005, regional security issues no doubt will increase in importance. In particular, Colombia's troubles are spilling over borders and affecting countries such as Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, and Venezuela. Moreover, Colombia's leading role in the drug trade touches all countries in the Americas and beyond. In this monograph, one of a special series on Colombia, Colonel Joseph R. Nunez first analyzes the intervention conundrum of Colombia. He then summarizes the reasons for the violent and anarchic situation that frustrates those wishing to make peace and expand democracy.