The "Salters Horners Advanced Physics" series places physics into social, industrial, environmental and historical contexts, and covers the A Level specifications in place from September 2000. This pack contains the A2 Level CD-ROM with site licence and the teacher and technician's resource pack.
The "Salters Horners Advanced Physics" series provides a course in advanced physics for students and teachers. It places physics into social, industrial, environmental and historical contexts, and covers the A Level specifications in place from September 2000. The materials have been successfully trialled in pilot schools, with the final versions refined following feedback from teachers, students and technicians. The course offers maths support notes - providing a review of GCSE maths and an introduction to early A Level maths for students with less mathematical ability and higher level maths for the mathematically-minded. There are applications-led illustrations of the social, economic of industrial aspects of physics, for example, designing buildings to withstand earthquakes, to help students understand the relevance of physics in everyday life. There are two student textbooks, for AS and A2. The teacher and technicians pack has photocopiable materials, with a customizable versions on the CD-ROM. Teachers can access support from OCR and the University of York Science Education Group via e-mail, and join the Salters Horners Advanced Physics e-mail discussion group.