Well known to their fans through their reality TV shows (on HGTV and Bravo) and various home decor lines (Macy s, CB2, and Walmart), designers Robert and Cortney Novogratz s third book is dedicated to one of their favourite places to spend time with their sizable brood: their vacation home in the sleepy beach outpost of Trancoso, Brazil. Transforming a ramshackle house into a sanctuary for family and friends, we see the Novogratzes relaxed and family- focused style in its purest and most laid-back form. Brimming with great decorating and entertaining ideas that easily translate from vacation vibe to real life back at home, the gracious couple excel at living well, in sandals and bare feet, and never sweating the small stuff. In addition to offering up terrific decoration suggestions for every room in the house and the outdoors (including a treehouse!), they have advice on how to make your vacation home pay for itself advising that small touches add up in big ways when creating the most enjoyable experience for guests and renters and traveling with kids with seven of their own, it s a subject they have mastered.