Making Sense in Engineering and the Technical Sciences: A Student's Guide to Research and Writing is intended for undergraduate students in any engineering or technical science-based course with a research and writing component. Its likeliest home will be in first-year courses; however, it is also suitable for students at the second- and third-year levels.
Revisions to the fourth edition of Making Sense in Engineering and the Technical Sciences emphasize the importance of technology. Chapter 7, 'Giving Presentations,' includes greater coverage of presentation materials specific to engineering and stresses the importance of electronic presentations. Increased coverage of technology-based research includes expanded criteria for website evaluation and other Internet resources including blogs and wikis. There is also updated information on
citations, sourcing materials from the Internet, and plagiarism. Dates and examples have been updated throughout the text. Finally, the new edition features a mini-index, outlining the most common research and writing issues, on the inside front cover for quick and easy reference.