Born In The Wrong Country is about what the United States of America has neglected to do, things that this government have ignored when it comes to its own people. It deals with the White and the Black situation in America, the poor and other minorities, and of the hunger that faces the people of the United States. Mental hunger and physical hunger of what people want, and what people need are discussed. It doesn't just talk about today, but talks about the African American People of Color in this country, and what this country has done to them. It points out how this government has taken away the spirit of a people, and possibly thrown away gifts, many gifts that could have possibly been given for the whole world to see and benefit from. Born exposes the reality of slavery and the kind of terrorism that went on throughout that slavery, a terrorism which was done so well that it did exactly what terrorism was supposed to do, by sticking with the AAPC through even to today.