He Saw Himself in All His Creatures: A Mother's Remembrance
Could you live with a pet skunk, a hungry goat, a lazy pig or a noisy sheep? Swim with a wild otter or share your home with an inquisitive ferret? Dodge an enraged Aracana rooster or rescue a rabbit from a marauding mink? Helen Norrie did all this as she tried to accommodate her youngest son's obsession with animals and birds of all kinds. In this affectionate memoir, both amusing and sad, the wife of one of Winnipeg's best-loved mayors tells how the family adapted to Mark's passion for living creatures. His passion led eventually to his untimely death which was the catalyst for this mother's remembrance. Proceeds to be donated to the Mark Norrie Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation, a fund which provides for a summer interpretive student at the Assiniboine Park Zoo.