Korvaava tuote: 9780321728111 Professors Norean Sharpe (Babson College), Dick De Veaux (Williams College), and Paul Velleman (Cornell University) have teamed up to provide an innovative new textbook for introductory business statistics courses. These authors have taught at the finest business schools and draw on their consulting experience at leading companies to show students how statistical thinking is vital to modern decision making.
Managers make better business decisions when they understand statistics, and Business Statistics gives students the statistical tools and understanding to take them from the classroom to the boardroom. Hundreds of examples are based on current events and timely business topics. Short, accessible chapters allow for flexible coverage of important topics, while the conversational writing style maintains student interest and improves understanding.
Business Statistics includes Guided Examples that feature the authors’ signature Plan/Do/Report problem-solving method. Each worked example shows students how to clearly define the business decision to be made and
plan which method to use,
do the calculations and make the graphical displays, and finally
report their findings, often in the form of a business memo. Every chapter reminds students of
What Can Go Wrong and teaches them how to avoid making common statistical mistakes.