Personal Transitions is a practical and engaging book based on a fusion of spirituality, myth, story, case studies, practical exercises, visualization and meditation. Includes various transition stories including: near death experiences, accidents, prison, war, psychological breakdown, and various awakening experiences.
The basic premise of this book is that awakening and growth tends to happen in two ways: firstly by following our heart and intuition and expanding into new adventures; and secondly through experiencing times of great uncertainty, chaos, and crisis. During such times life may seem to make little or no sense. When life shifts, either through personal volition or otherwise, we are helped to gain a new perspective and live from the heart rather than the head. Another word for life shift is transition, a process where life changes on the outside and also on the inside. Transition is part of the growing up process and contains elements of soul and biology. We are here to grow physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. And within the greater context of global awakening personal transitions are becoming increasingly more common.