Operations Management, 5/e
In this market-leading text, the Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers and Robert Johnston bring to life their comprehensive, practical and strategic view of operations management with over 100 contemporary and international examples of operations in practice, as well as providing critical commentaries on areas of academic contention and professional debate.
Companion Website with Student Gradetracker Student Access Card: Operations Management, 5/e
Principles of Marketing, 4/e
Principles of Marketing has proven to be hugely popular with first-time marketing students leading them painlessly through their course from basic principles such as what product should I market? to more specialised topics such as Relationship Marketing.
Principles of Marketing Student Access Card
Financial Management for Decision Makers, 4/e
In response to extensive feedback from reviewers, the fourth edition of this established and popular text has been thoroughly updated to meet the needs of the modern business student. It presents a comprehensive range of topics, but avoids too much detail and unnecessary mathematical analysis, focusing more on the practical application of financial management and its role in decision-making.