This comprehensive reference is clearly destined to become the definitive anatomical basis for all molecular neuroscience research. The three volumes provide a complete overview and comparison of the structural organisation of all vertebrate groups, ranging from amphioxus and lamprey through fishes, amphibians and birds to mammals. This thus allows a systematic treatment of the concepts and methodology found in modern comparative neuroscience. Neuroscientists, comparative morphologists and anatomists will all benefit from:
* 1,200 detailed and standardised neuroanatomical drawings * the illustrations were painstakingly hand-drawn by a team of graphic designers, specially commissioned by the authors, over a period of 25 years * functional correlations of vertebrate brains * concepts and methodology of modern comparative neuroscience * five full-colour posters giving an overview of the central nervous system of the vertebrates, ideal for mounting and display
This monumental work is, and will remain, unique; the only source of such brilliant illustrations at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels.
Assisted by: W.J.A.J. Smeets, H. Wicht, J. Meek, J. L. Dubbeldam, P. A. M. van Dongen, J. Voogd