This comprehensive book targets a broad audience of interested citizens, experts, and policy makers, at a European, national and international level.
The energy transition is a European flagship project. It corresponds to a disruptive innovation cycle, which has just started, and at different speed, across Europe. The transition encompasses innovation in new technologies, business models, and processes, as well as institution building and change of governance models. It leads to large scale cultural and economic change, including sector coupling-linking up sectors that have ignored each other previously, like mobility and power. While Europe at large is concerned, old divide lines continue to exist, and new emerge. What are the borders of the new energy Europe? What about Germany and its neighbours? The former East-West divide? Nuclear against renewables and coal choices? What is the state of play in south East Europe? How is Turkey linked to the European energy paradigm, as today it is already electrically synchronized with Continental Europe? How to face cybersecurity risks, and how to address energy poverty?
The EU has formulated ambitious objectives, and citizens support a common European energy policy-the Energy Union-as the Eurobarometer reveals regularly. The book analyses the factors driving change-and here in particular the Climate agenda, the new active customer paradigm and changing attitudes, as well as businesses changing (`business model innovation') and new actors emerging. It proceeds with a reality check, based on facts and figures (`where are we in Europe in integration, what are obstacles, challenges, solutions?') and describes the various aspects of the European Energy transition.
An online course with FSR based on this book
This book will at once be used for supporting a forthcoming online training on the energy transition, targeting an international audience. The training, set up by FSR and ENTSO-E, carrying the same title as the book, will be launched at the same time and start in 2019. The authors will be invited to contribute to the training on their specific topics.