The XIX edition of our Italian defence yearbook Coccarde Tricolori is now available.
Coccarde Tricolori 2021 includes:
-A Review of the most important facts, photos and news of the year 2020 in the air, sea, and land fields.
-22 in-depth illustrated articles on topic subjects.
-Fact sheets on the Italian MoD and on all the Armed Forces and State Corps, with organizations, order of battle, data on personnel and balance.
-An English Summary
Among the subjects of this edition: exclusive interview to the Italian Air Force Chief of Staff, and reports on the 1^ Brigata Aerea Operazioni Speciali, the development of the Typhoon program, the "Pozzuolo del Friuli" Cavalry Brigade, the program "Soldato Sicuro", the Italian Navy amphibious hub, The F-35 Sea Trials of the Cavour carrier, The Navy AV-8B Plus squadron, the Carabinieri Cacciatori in Sardinia, the new P-72B of the Guardia di Finanza, and much, much more!