This collection of 101 stories provides support, advice, and inspiration to help you and your loved ones on your road to recovery from Traumatic Brain Injuries.
These are inspiring and motivating stories of hope, healing, and hard work for patients and their loved ones who are recovering from TBI.
You’ll read chapters on:
But You Look So Normal—What it’s like living with TBI
Self-Discovery—Embracing and accepting the new normal
Never Giving Up—The power of persistence and hard work
Healing Power of Mother Nature—Get outside and heal!
Acceptance—Rebuilding your life with your new reality
A Family Affair—Giving and accepting help from those you love
Attitude Is Everything—Staying positive and seeing the good
Coping Strategies that Work—Great advice from other survivors
Opportunity Knocks—New chances, new careers, new purpose
Making a Difference—The healing power of helping others
Foreword by: Lee Woodruff