League of Women Voters of the United States
A celebration of passionate, heroic women who represent theexpanding power and influence of women in American public life. Inthis dynamic collection, twenty-two extraordinary leaders shareinspiring personal stories that reflect the universal desire toeffect change in the world. Representing the nation's ethnicdiversity, these outstanding women demonstrate that everyone cantruly make a difference.
True to Ourselves presents a remarkable mix of women who haveconfronted tough choices, challenges, and tests of their owncharacter with determination and conviction. From polar explorerAnn Bancroft and Smith College president Ruth J. Simmons to secondlady Tipper Gore, activist Sarah Brady, and politicians CarolMoseley-Braun, Polly B. Baca, and Patsy T. Mink, the contributorsdescribe lives enriched by family, career, and their own commitmentto the larger public good. They reveal turning points thatcompelled them to change their lives and share their concerns aboutthe unfinished business of building an equal and inclusive society.Their stories and examples will inspire readers to face challengesin their own lives and fulfill their dreams and aspirations.