OUR LADY IN THE CHURCH AND OTHER ESSAYS -- 1913 -- PREFACE. READERS of the popular American Magazine, the Ave Maria, and I understand that they are fairly numerous among Catholics it1 England, will scarcely need from me any introduction to Miss Marian Nesbitt, whose articles in that periodical have for some time past been a regular and welcome feature, in its pages. There will be, however, Inally othel-s to whom the above-mentioned magazine is not familiar, and rho may therefore not have had the pleasure of reading Miss Nesbitts essays. It has, thereforc, bee11 a happy thought to collect and arrange thcse chatty, and at the same time instructive, papers in the present volume. It will be seen that the writer has a happy knack of selecting topics, mostly of historical or antiquarian character, but all con- nected with the life and work of the Church and therefore of particular interest to Catholic readers. Like the industrious bee, she has diligently gathered her facts from many sources, often from the by-ways and less-known tracks of ecclesiastical history, par- ticularly, mediaeval. I feel sure that these modest and interesting studies will be read with pleasure and profit by others, as they have been by myself. I should say that Miss Nesbitts book would make a specially appropriate volume for school libraries and school prizes. LOUIS CHARLES, Bishop of Salford. AUTHORS PREFACE. TO the Rev. DANIEL E. HUDSOS, C.S.C., through whose courtesy these essays are permitted to re- appear in book form and whose sympathy and con- sideration have never failed me, 1 dedicate this volume, as a small token of esteem and gratitude. At the same time I desire to acknowledge my deep obligations to theRight Rev. Dr. Casartelli, Hishop of Salford, for his great kindness in reading the essays and writing the foreword. I also wish to record my indebtedness to the Very Rev. Father Alfred, O.F.M., Guardian of St. Rlary of the Angels, Liverpool, and to the Rev. Father Anselln Keane of the same order, for the loan of several valuable books which have been of the greatest assist- ance to me, and I beg these Fathers to accept the expression of my heartfelt and most respectful thanks. MARIAN NESBITT.