Since 1941 again on the market available! Now in your language, too! When the German Wehrmacht landed on April 9, 1940 in Denmark and Norway, and then occupied the vast Norwegian territory in constant battles over the following weeks, to the fighting forces of the three Wehrmacht units were also assigned men of the PK (propaganda company), which kept the landing, advance, fight and victory in words and pictures. Their reports to the home country have already given a vivid picture of the harshness and peculiar nature of the struggles and the achievements and successes of the deployed associations of all three Wehrmacht units during the Norwegian campaign. Especially the image reporters were called to capture for the future the campaign in its individual phases from the landing to the capitulation of the opponent. A selection of content-rich and exciting recordings of the PK unites are present in this illustrated book. The new edition has been extended by 32 pages with pictures from this period.