One of the most important and fascinating aspects of human growth is the development of memory, a person's mental record of the past. This volume has been compiled to provide an in depth analysis of current areas of research on memory development. Leading academics in this field have written about their current research interests in neurobiological, cognitive and social aspects of memory development. Providing the most up- to-date information, this textbook is an essential theoretical and scientific research tool for advanced undergraduates and graduates in psychology and allied disciplines.; Although the text focuses primarily on memory development in infants and children the general principles are applied throughout the human life cycle. The practical consequences of researchers findings are highlighted through discussion seeking to determine how reliable a child's eyewitness testimony and other memorial accounts may or may not be, or how one might established basic principles for presenting classroom material and instructions to children in a way which will lead to good retention, or even how one might help children learn to use the best possible mnemonic strategies. These discussions also allow for a fuller understanding of cognitive developmental disabilities, such as language and reading disabilities.; Several types of basic scientific advances have been made recently which have increased our understanding of memory development. One of these is the improvement in neuroimaging, resulting in a clearer idea of the areas of the brain that are involved in memory and its development. The field has also gained a better appreciation of how experiences, even at a very young age, can be reactivated or reinstated later on under the appropriate environmental conditions. Most interestingly, it has apparent that early memories can be amended or constructed falsely on the basis of misleading information. As the field becomes more adept at determining the basis of various developmental changes in memory so it becomes an excellent arena for greater appreciation of the factors contributing to the developing mind.