First published in 1987, The Confederate Image examines the popular lithographs and engravings cherished by Southerners during and after the Civil War. These images helped sustain and revive Southern identity following the collapse of the Confederacy. (Though, ironically, most were actually crafted by Northern artisans.) The book focuses on prints of the three most prominent Southern figures of the conflict--Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and Stonewall Jackson--but also discusses prints of other important Confederates as well as the contributions of the short-lived Southern Illustrated News . "A well-researched and interesting sidelight into a world of illusion."-- New York Times Book Review "More than just a picture book...[It] tells a fascinating story of the creation of these images and how they added to or, at times, ran counter to the creation of the myth that is known as the Lost Cause."-- Chicago Tribune |A first-time paperback edition of this 1987 classic, The Confederate Image presents and examines the popular lithographs and engravings cherished by Southerners during and after the Civil War.
This book is beautifully illustrated with images that reveal how the war has been remembered through history.