Meet Tommy Akhtar, cricket aficionado, devoted son, some time private investigator and some time idol to West London's thug-lites. It's multi-tasking, serious (Little Book of Tommy #38). He's just woken up with another hangover and combed a parting in the pelt on his tongue when his next case comes through the door. Exoticmelody is searching for her fellow hooker,, last seen meeting a client in a Mayfair dive. It looks like a join the dots kind of job. But as the search for sexyrussian hots up, Tommy's case takes a turn for the sinister. He's drawn into a murder investigation and the dark side of both the establishment and those who plan to overthrow it. But Tommy reckons it's the opportunists you've got to watch out for. Neate brilliantly explores the underbelly of the cultural mix that makes up London - The City of Tiny Lights - and questions just what it really means to be British right now...