This unique book introduces children to the beautiful and often unexpected undersea world around British coasts. Far too many people regard our seas as "grey and uninteresting" but, using a wonderful blend of entertainment and education, Benny the tompot blenny puts them right. If you thought a fish couldn't be charismatic, think again! Along with stunning photography by Paul Naylor (author of 'Great British Marine Animals'), Benny tells you all about his life in the sea just beyond our beaches. He introduces you to his neighbours: crabs, starfish, sea snails, barnacles, sea anemones, squat lobsters, seals, cuttlefish, gobies and many other fish. Fact boxes reveal how Benny and his neighbours are adapted to their habitat, how they find food and avoid being food for someone else. Biodiversity, adaptation, variation, reproduction, food chains and food webs are included to support science at KS2 level. There are even intriguing examples of symbiotic relationships, camouflage and photosynthesis. Benny also tells you something about the SCUBA divers who come to visit him. The photographs in the book appeal to all ages while the text is written for 7-11 year olds.