Climate change refers to a substantial change in temperature, precipitation, or wind lasting for a long period of time, usually several years. The consequences of climate change are an increase in global air and ocean temperature on average, widespread melting of snow and rising global average sea level. The Bay of Bengal's âfunnel shape' combined with its connection with the rivers of Bangladesh creates a constant hazardous situation for five coastal areas of the country. The high frequency of natural disasters also hinders the country's ability to achieve its desired rates of economic growth. Climate Change issues have traditionally broken into two basic categories: climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation. Climate change mitigation includes human interventions to reduce drivers of climate systems and climate change adaptation includes managing natural and human systems in response to variations in the climate and their effects. Efforts to mitigate climate change have focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) into the atmosphere which is a complex journey towards sustainabledevelopment. Mitigation strategies include adopting renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, biofuels, and the sustainable use of land and forests. This book argues green entrepreneurship is one of the most effective strategies for greenhouse gas emissions reduction. This book discusses the linkages between climate change mitigation and green entrepreneurship, describing the challenges and possibilities of adopting green entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.