Environmental geomechanics integrates the principles of solid and fluid mechanics with problems pertaining to environment and geosystems. More specifically, it would involve issues related to deforming geomaterials, mechanical failure, fluid flow or transport of contaminants and heat transfer. The fluids here could be water, vapor or air and in association with the waste disposal these could be oil or gas as well. Concepts of engineering are increasingly being applied to solve problems of pollution, sustainable environment and natural disasters. These issues, for e.g. rockslides, debris flow, corrosion of buildings due to pollution, instability of soil and waste disposal, can be natural as well as anthropological in nature. Recently, environmental geomechanics has been relying more and more on information technology which provides quicker solutions in a more accurate manner. The book contains a comprehensive collection that deals with aforementioned issues including the geomechanical properties of geological structures, principles and techniques involved. I hope it provides the information readers are looking for.