For more than twenty years the US Navy Diving Manual has been the ultimate reference source for the diver. AquaPress are pleased to announce the publication of Revision 6A of the US Navy Diving Manual. At over 1000 A4 pages the book is unsurpassed in technical detail and depth. As the ultimate diving reference work the book contains everything you ever wanted to know about diving and many aspects that you could never imagine! The manual is however surprisingly easy to read. One of the reasons for this is that the manual is actually made up of five individual books or volumes. The volumes are as follows:-Volume 1: Diving Principles and Policies Volume 2: Air Diving Operations Volume 3: Mixed Gas Surface Supplied Diving Operations Volume 4: Closed Circuit and Semiclosed Circuit Diving Operations Volume 5: Diving Medicine and Recompression Chamber OperationsThese volumes mean that despite the books size the individual volumes make for user friendly reading. Each section has been extensively researched and is widely regarded as the technical standard for diving information and procedures.
The manual is easily referenced and used internationally by recreational, commercial, and military divers because of it's authoritative and approved procedures.This 6A Revision contains the most up to date details including Change A together with updates ACN 1/R7 and ACN 2/R7. This manual is a must for all serious divers.