Tamil Nadu projects several important positive dimensions. Among them, from a development perspective, stand out: dynamic entrepreneurial class; well developed educational system; efficient administrative system; impressive and long history of advancement of the backward classes; continuing emphasis on social safety nets for the people; spread of industries in clusters and avoidance of concentration in a few locations; close attention to state autonomy and adherence to the federal principle especially after the mid-sixties.
As a result of industries getting spread - including most recently the IT sector - Tamil Nadu has avoided the diseconomies of concentration in a few locations. Also being a highly urbanised state, this has provided the poor with a supplement to other social safety nets. It should cause no surprise that Tamil Nadu is a front ranking state in terms of economic growth as well as concern for social welfare. And in this respect upholds the legacy it has as one of the pioneers in the uplift of the weaker sections.
The papers in this volume highlight significant trends and development in: population, labour force and employment, agriculture and irrigation, industrial development, social sectors and environment. The papers are a mix of the descriptive and the analytical. This collection, like most research, raises more questions than it offers solution for. If it provokes further thought and hopefully results in some pointers for future policy, the effort to put it together would not be unrequited.