Because of concerns about incineration, the Department of Defense plans to use alternative means to destroy the chemical agent stockpiles at the Pueblo and Blue Grass facilities. The DOD contracted with Bechtel Parsons to design and operate pilot plants for this purpose. As part of the NRC efforts to assist the DOD with its chemical demilitarization efforts, the Department requested a review and assessment of the Bechtel designs for both plants. An earlier report presented an assessment of the Pueblo design. This report provides a review of the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant based on review of data and information about the initial design and some intermediate design data. Among other topics, the report presents technical risk assessment issues, an analysis of delivery and disassembly operations and of agent destruction core processes, and an examination of waste treatment.Table of Contents
Front Matter
Executive Summary
1 Introduction
2 Technical Risk Assessment Issues
3 Delivery and Disassembly Operations
4 Core Processes for Agent and Energetics Destruction
5 Treatment of Hydrolysates and Residual Wastes
6 General Findings and Recommendations
Appendix A Summary Responsibilities of Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass Team Members
Appendix B Diagrams of Chemical Munitions at Blue Grass Army Depot
Appendix C Information on Current Composition of Levenstein Mustard Agent at Blue Grass Army Depot
Appendix D Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
Appendix E Committee Meetings and Site Visits