NASA's Human Exploration and Development of Space (HEDS) program within the Office of Space Flight has proposed a new framework for space technology and systems development—Advanced Systems, Technology, Research, and Analysis (ASTRA) for future space flight capabilities. To assist in the development of this framework, NASA asked the National Research Council to convene a series of workshops on technology policy issues concerning the relationship of the various stakeholders in advancing human and robotic exploration and development of space. The second workshop, which is the summarized in this report, focused on the interrelationship between government, industry, and academia in the development of technology. Examples from Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Department of Defense, and the National Science Foundation were covered in order to discuss best practices of such cooperative efforts as possible lessons for NASA's space exploration activities. Table of Contents
Front Matter
1 Summary
2 Introduction
3 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Relationships
4 Department of Defense Relationships
5 National Science Foundation Relationships
Appendix A Statement of Task
Appendix B Committee Member Biographies
Appendix C Workshop Agenda
Appendix D Workshop Attendees
Appendix E Focusing Questions
Appendix F White Papers
Appendix G Index of Selected Topics
Appendix H Acronyms and Abbreviations