For over a decade the Army has been carrying out a program aimed at the destruction of accumulated chemical weapons stored at several sites. While destruction by incineration has been successful, several incidents—called chemical events—occurred during the disposal process or decontamination activities that raised some public concerns about the safety of operations of three third generation incineration facilities. As a result, the Congress asked the NRC to investigate whether the incidents provide information useful to help ensure safe operation of the future sites. This book presents an analysis of causes of and responses to past chemical events, implications of such events for ongoing and future demilitarization activities, and recommendations for preparing for future events.
Table of Contents
Front Matter
Executive Summary
1 The Chemical Demilitarization Challenge
2 Causal Factors in Events at Chemical Demilitarization Facilities
3 Responses to Chemical Events at Baseline Chemical Demilitarization Facilities
4 Implications of Past Chemical Events for Ongoing and Future Chemical Demilitarization Activities
5 Preparing for Potential Future Chemical Events at Baseline Chemical Demilitarization Facilities
6 Findings and Recommendations
Appendix A Specific Design Features of the Toole Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Baseline Incineration System
Appendix B Chronicle of Chemical Events and Other Occurrences at TOCDF and JACADS As Identified by PMCD
Appendix C List of Individual Incidents from the Chemical Weapons Working Group
Appendix D List of Individual Incidents from Calhoun County Commission, Anniston, Alabama
Appendix E Additional Information Concerning Risk
Appendix F Causal Tree Analysis of December 3-5, 2000, Event at JACADS
Appendix G Memorandum of Understanding Between Deseret Chemical Depot and Tooele County for Information Exchange
Appendix H Biographical Sketches of Committee Members
Appendix I Committee Meetings